Thursday, March 7, 2013

Furry Boots- last one

So this is the last outfit I have put together for the whole "Boots with the Fur" series. One might say, hey it's spring time, put those things away! However, as I look out the window tonight it's apparent that old man winter is taking his time leaving us here in Connecticut. Snow tonight and into the morning. Le sigh, maybe I'll get to sleep in if school is delayed.

I know we are all longing for warmer weather, but I always try to dress in the current season. Winter is still here, at least for a few more weeks. These magenta pants are a good way to transition.They are dark enough to go with my winter wardrobe, but bright enough to move with me into spring. Pair them with any neutral on the top and you're good to go.
These particular pants are from Kohls, they are part of the Elle line and they were purchased a while ago, yet I've seen the style in a few stores with the upcoming spring fashion lines.

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