Thursday, June 20, 2013

A hiatus

Have you ever been overwhelmed by good things?
And then you felt weird because instead of being overwhelmed you should be excited because all these fun things are happening.
Me too.
Kind of what has occurred here, I got really into having this blog and thinking about topics and ideas for it and then life kind of happened.
First, I got engaged, so exciting, wedding fashion can now be part of the blog.
Then, I realized I had to move 45 minutes away in order to start my life with my fiancé. Far, yes but doable. (House hunting will be yet another challenge.)
Slowly during this time I started to lose weight. I started Weight Watchers in the fall, and since then I've lost about 35 pounds. While it feels great to be healthier and to now have much better eating habits, it's overwhelming. Why you ask? Because I feel like I literally have 5 outfits. For someone who is so concerned with fashion, I've now found myself lacking in the clothes department. Knowing that I've wanted to lose a total of 45 pounds I haven't really expanded my wardrobe much (insanely good for the wallet btw).
Because of all of these things I felt like I couldn't write a blog, I felt like who am I to suggest what to wear when I pretty much wear the same black pants 4 days a week. And then I realized, it comes with the territory, I'm sure there are other women who have lost weight and felt the same way I have. So, I think I will just try to breathe and get back to my hobby.

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