Friday, April 5, 2013

High Five for Friday

1. We looked at our first wedding venue this weekend. We loved it but everything must be brought in so we figured it would be a lot of additional work too. We even thought about booking but decided to look at a few other places before just to compare.
 2. Love getting home everyday to a new engagement card! Apparently Hallmark is lacking in their choices.

 3. Ahhh! All my magazines arrived at once, lots of reading to do this weekend :)
 4. Apparently my students really like my mother. I even had a mini lesson on Ms. Miss and Mrs. because a.) they were confused that my name was going to change and b.) alot of adults still don't know the difference. Guess I needed to explain it better!
5. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!
Link up with Lauren at From my Grey Desk!

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  1. That's so cute getting an engagement card everyday! And I'm jealous of all those magazines...I never have any good ones!

  2. Thanks! Definitely subscribe it's so much less expensive, and then I usually recycle them by using them for classroom projects.
