Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Boots with the Fur...

If you teach in an urban city, like I do, this title may make you cringe- from the remembrance of that popular hip-hop song that you watched middle schoolers strut their stuff to at way too many school dances, and the thought of actually wearing boots with fur.
However, I'm here to tell you- face the facts, it's February. It's cold, wet and Spring is almost here.  Ladies, remember- almost doesn't count. If you're super lucky, and live in Connecticut like moi, then going outside requires walking over 2 foot snow mounds. These boots are practical, super warm and cozy, and they too can be made fashionable, with just a little work.
Black is always slimming, and I know it's cliché, but it works for me. I wore this outfit this past weekend to a party but I could also wear it to work. It's a good casual blend, good for a lot of events. And it happened to be snowing on the day of the party, so the practicalness of these boots is clutch.
Stay tuned this week, I'll be showing a few more ways to wear these boots.
Sweater- Calvin Klein (old) Pants- Michael Kors Boots-DSW Blouse- Marshalls Bracelets- Alex and Ani

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Teacher Must- Haves

Teacher Must- Haves
Teacher Must- Haves

Teacher Must- Haves by pearlspencilskirts 

These are my top picks for teaching in style. Teachers need to be comfortable, most of us put in at least 8 hours daily at school. You also need items that you can get mileage out of, hence the black and gray (although, trust me, I love color too).  I personally own most of these items and I would highly recommend them all. Those black flats are especially comfortable, and they come in wide in case you have Bigfoot feet like me ;)  I do not wear heels, for me it is physically impossible to get through an entire school day. Power to those women who can, I'm in amazement of you! By 11am I'm hopping around in my stockings, hoping I don't accidentally step on a push pin left on the floor of my classroom. The red blazer I have is Cynthia Rowley but I could not find it on Polyvore.
I know a number of school districts do not allow teachers to wear jeans. In my district we have a 'business casual' dress code, so they are allowed. I try not to over wear my jeans, but I feel like with the black it's a way to look presentable while staying comfortable. Any other must-haves that you would put on the list?

French Connection knit top / Wallis red jacket / Levi's slim fit jeans / Me Too shoes / Kate Spade / Oroton , $67

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fashion in the Classroom

Fashion in the Classroom

Think about it...a fashionable teacher, does it exist? It is an oxymoron?

Think back to female teachers in movies or books...

Coke-bottle glasses to look academic, orthopedic shoes since they are on their feet all day long, burlap sacks so they don't distract their students, haha just kidding on the last one. 

In all honesty, it's definitely not regarded as a glamourous occupation, and I speak from experience; it's not. It's long days, mostly spent on your feet, craft supplies everywhere waiting to ruin fabric, germ carrying kids who want to touch everything, and if you're lucky- 20 minutes to eat lunch and go to the bathroom. 

The demands of the job are enough to make you want to drag out that sack to wear to work everyday! 

I hope this blog will be an opportunity for teachers (both male and female)  to share and gain knowledge on how to make this hectic profession easier from a fashion standpoint and tackle other lifestyle topics.